Effective Substance Abuse Prevention: What is SEL?
How do you prevent kids from making unhealthy choices, like the decision to use alcohol or other drugs? Through the years, concerned adults have tried many different prevention strategies, from scare tactics to one-off school assemblies. However, as researchers continue…
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National Prevention Week 2016: Addiction, Mental Health Resources, Lancaster, PA
National Prevention Week is May 15-21, 2016. It’s a time to call the Lancaster community together to boost public awareness about mental health and substance abuse issues as well as spread the message that addiction prevention is possible.
Teens and E-cigarettes: A Parent’s Guide [Infographic]
Maybe your teen’s friends have started vaping. Perhaps you suspect your son or daughter is already using e-cigarettes. Here’s what you need to know about e-cigarettes and teenagers. What is an e-cigarette?
Sober Bar Aims for a Different Kind of Buzz in Lancaster, PA
People having fun in a bar without alcohol? The concept might seem as unfamiliar as fish swimming in a bowl without water—and perhaps as uncomfortable too, especially for a person in recovery from substance abuse. But Lancaster, PA’s Kyle Kuehn is…
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Problem Gambling Awareness Month: Are You Gambling Your Future Away?
Maybe you lose sleep over how much you’re gambling lately. Perhaps you worry about how much time a loved one spends making bets. Unhealthy gambling behavior isn’t a vice or indulgence; it’s a progressive brain condition with a significant impact on emotional and physical…
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Obama Asks for $1.1 Billion for Heroin, Painkiller Abuse Programs
The Obama administration is seeking an additional $1.1 billion from Congress to fight heroin and prescription painkiller abuse, according to The New York Times. Nearly 50% of the new funds would go toward expanding treatment availability. The remaining money would…
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Prevention Scare Tactics for Kids: Learn Why They Don’t Work (And What Does)
Scared straight programs. Whether you’ve seen mocked-up drunken driving crash scenes with bloodied teens playing “dead” or watched drug danger school assemblies, you may be familiar with these programs designed to frighten kids into good behavior. But do scare tactics work…
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Tips for Substance Abuse Prevention That Works
Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drug and Gambling (ATODG) Prevention; this is what we do at Compass Mark. Sounds easy, right? Just stop something from happening….we all know how to do that. Or do we? The truth is, if ATODG prevention was…
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#ExtraGive Rally Where You Are for Compass Mark Kids
The Extraordinary Give from the Lancaster County Community Foundation is almost here! On Friday, November 20th, the Lancaster community has the opportunity to make our county a safer, healthier place to live. For 24 hours, you can donate to hundreds…
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#ExtraGive to Compass Mark Kids Nov. 20th
We’re waving wild Muppet arms here at Compass Mark because Lancaster County’s Extraordinary Give is just days away. Why are we so excited? Every dollar donated to area organizations on Friday, November 20th