We’re waving wild Muppet arms here at Compass Mark because Lancaster County’s Extraordinary Give is just days away. Why are we so excited? Every dollar donated to area organizations on Friday, November 20th will be stretched by at least $300,000 from the Lancaster County Community Foundation and other generous sponsors. Additional prizes are awarded throughout the day, giving organizations like Compass Mark Kids the opportunity to receive even more money for their programs. (For example, the first 10 groups to receive 50 unique gifts will receive an extra $1,000.) Learn more about Extra Give. Why Give to Compass Mark Kids? When you choose Compass Mark Kids, your community investment dollars go toward preventing not 1…not 2…but 11 major issues facing our community. Your #ExtraGive donation helps prevent:
- Crime;
- Child abuse;
- Teen pregnancy;
- School dropout;
- Healthcare costs;
- Intellectual disabilities;
- Homelessness;
- Youth suicide;
- Domestic violence;
- Workforce readiness.
How Can You Help Build A Better Lancaster During Extra Give? 1. Invest in Compass Mark Kids. Donate by visiting our Extra Give Page, or download the Extra Give App. 2. Spread the word. Do you know a Compass Mark Kid? Have you volunteered or interacted with our kids? Then you know firsthand how our prevention programs give Lancaster County’s youth the skills they need to resist drugs and other unhealthy choices that could impact them for the rest of their lives. Help us get the word out over the next few days by sharing or liking some of our Facebook posts, retweeting us @CompassMarkInc, and talking with friends, family, and neighbors. Are You Ready? Let’s Do This, Lancaster!