Compass Mark Facilitator Nicole Bridgen celebrates the last day of Lions Quest with Rheems Elementary students in Elizabethtown.
The Lions Quest® prevention program helps young people develop positive commitments to their families, schools, peers, and communities. Research repeatedly shows us that establishing these commitments and skills at any early age contributes critical protection against future substance use and addiction. And the Q-Bears help . . . well, with everything else!
Lions Quest® is a life skills education program that addresses conflict, peer pressure, difficulty managing emotions along with other problem areas that children can face. These small, pull-out programs operate throughout the school year and are geared for students from kindergarten through 6th grade. Throughout the program, they learn vital skills like communication, responsible decision-making and positive coping strategies.
And once the students complete their semester, they go home with a cuddly Q-Bear to help them remember what they’ve learned.
This program has been recognized as a ‘Select’ program by CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning), and as a ‘Model’ program by CSAP (Center for Substance Abuse Prevention) of the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Last year, our friends at Murray Securus helped sponsor and organize Compass Mark’s first-ever “Prevention Convention” in Lancaster County. The event was a tremendous success, reaching over 300 kids and leading to over $50,000 in additional contributions to Compass Mark programs. The Lions Quest Q-Bears were donated by the following companies:
- Chubb North America
- BrickStreet Insurance
Thank you for supporting addiction prevention in our community!
In 2017-2018, Compass Mark provided the Lions Quest program to 898 students in Lancaster County and 2,012 students in Lebanon County. Click for more info about the program.
To find out if this service could fit the needs of your school or organization, give Compass Mark a call at 717-299-2931. You can also email Matt Weaver in Lancaster County and Michelle Allen in Lebanon County.