Our Student Assistance Training (SAP) Team – Deb, Josh, and Bevan – have successfully met every criterion for the Student Assistance Program state monitoring! This is a rigorous evaluation of our training standards and competencies that happen every two years and our training team has surpassed each standard. It is not an easy accomplishment, especially with a program like SAP which has such high levels of scrutiny and protocol.
Our team received some amazing feedback from the assessment…
“Deb, Josh, and Bevan do an awesome job developing rapport with training participants. They create a welcoming environment, even via Zoom!! Hands down, they are exemplars of what a Pennsylvania Approved SAP Training Provider stands for.”
Not familiar with SAP?
The Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a systematic team process used to mobilize school resources to remove barriers to learning. SAP is designed to assist in identifying issues including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a student’s success. Compass Mark trains SAP teams, including teachers, administrators, guidance personnel, and SAP assessors.
The primary goal of the Student Assistance Program is to help students overcome these barriers so that they may achieve, advance, and remain in school. While Student Assistance Programs exist in other areas of the country, the structure and operation of the program in Pennsylvania is a unique expression of an integrated model serving the needs of Pennsylvania families and students.
Want to Learn More?
Visit our website for more information on this program or
Contact Deb McCoy at (717) 299-2831 ext. 230.