Should PA Legalize Recreational Marijuana?
With medical marijuana now legally available in Pennsylvania, efforts to legalize recreational use are underway and moving swiftly. Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman is currently conducting a statewide listening tour on this issue with stops in all 67 counties. Compass Mark…
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U.S. Teen Smoking Drops, Pot Use Climbs [Research]
American teenagers are smoking cigarettes less–a dramatic drop of up to 64% in recent years, according to a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The recently-released report found that just over 7% of teens smoked cigarettes…
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Legal Recreational Pot in PA? 3 Lessons Learned from the Colorado Law
Should recreational marijuana use be legal in Pennsylvania? More than half of PA residents now say the answer is Yes. But is legal pot a good deal for the Lancaster community?