Brightly colored infographic of Compass Mark's stratetgic plan for 2023-2026

Over the past several months, Compass Mark engaged our Board of Directors, staff, and community partners in the development of a three-year strategic plan. This process was designed to provide clear direction for Compass Mark over the next several years and deepen our commitment to delivering effective prevention programs that are responsive to the needs of our stakeholders.

We have been absolutely thrilled by the level of engagement from our community partners. Thank you to the more than 50 individuals who attended focus group sessions, as well as to our Board of Directors and staff, for your valuable input and investment. We couldn’t have done this without you!  We are also grateful to the Lancaster County Community Foundation for their generous grant in support of this process and Dr. Ron Mahurin of Design Group International for his expert facilitation.

The priorities identified in Compass Mark’s new strategic plan, as summarized above, will provide clear direction to our team as we pursue our mission together with you in the community. Through the power of prevention, we can guide and empower all people toward healthy, fulfilling lives free from addiction.