The DUI Council of Lancaster County is proud to unveil its latest billboard created by the Leaders of Future Generations program students. It is located on Route 30 EB between the Mountville Exit and the Centerville Exit. The students message of “I want the best for my future” depicts making good decisions, asking for help and having a “starter pack” or plan to achieve success, with the biggest choice of remaining sober. The billboard will remain on display until 6/23/19.
From 2013 to 2017 there were 166 crashes involving underage impaired drivers, with 2 of them resulting in death in Lancaster County. According to the 2017 Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS), 17.9% of students in 8th, 10th and 12th grade have admitted to using alcohol within the last 30 days and 43.3% have admitted to using alcohol at least once in their lifetime.
This billboard, along with the education provided by the Leaders of Future Generations program, is invaluable in our Lancaster County community. Peer-to-Peer education has been proven over and over again that it works and resonates with students. The DUI Council of Lancaster County commends these students and their Director, Richard Khuu, for continuing to help educate others on the dangers of underage drinking.
“Crashes are the #1 killer of teens. As a parent, coach, teacher or friend I would hope that anyone would try to at least eliminate one of the factors from this horrible statistic and encourage teens to not participate in underage drinking. This problem is fed by peer pressure and lack of guidance. It only takes one person’s statement, story, or conversation to change the mind of a teen who may be thinking of drinking,” stated Tracy Linn, Coordinator of the DUI Council of Lancaster County.
The Underage Drinking TIP-LINE is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. If you know of an underage drinking situation, i.e. a party, an establishment serving minors or parents serving minors, you can call this anonymous number and your call will be investigated. The number to call is 1-888-UNDER-21.
Richard Khuu from the Leaders of Future Generations Program said,
“It really means a lot to youth when they are provided these kinds of opportunities. It gives them a chance to have their ideas heard, their creativity expressed, and their successes celebrated. All of which strengthen their skills to make positive choices.”
The DUI Council of Lancaster County is a non-profit organization established in 1987. The Council is committed to partnering with all community members to take an active role in reducing the incidences of impaired driving, changing risk-taking behaviors, dispelling social misconceptions, preventing underage drinking and limiting youth access to alcohol.
The Council is funded by the Lancaster County Drug and Alcohol Commission through a grant provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.