Format: Streaming  |  Length: 00:49:00  |  ID #: 17  |  Posted in: , ,
Audience: Adults  |  Published: 2011

Two award winning presenters have joined forces in Straight Talk, Heroin and Opiates. David Ohlms, M.D. and Delbert Boone, both icons in the field of addiction and recovery offer a comprehensive look at the growing problem of heroin and opiate addiction.

Together, they explore the myths and misconceptions of opiate use, addiction, and recovery. With Dr. Ohlms’ extensive medical knowledge and decades of treatment experience, and Boone’s highly motivational presentation style, this new video really delivers.

Viewers will gain valuable knowledge about the biological effects of opiate dependency from Dr. Ohlms, and gain personal insight into heroin addiction and recovery from Boone. Also included are personal interviews with people in recovery who candidly share the beginnings of their addiction, their downward spiral into the world of heroin and opiate use, the trials of their recovery and relapse, and their hope for the future.

FMS Product No: 04870