Format: Streaming | Length: 02:14:00 | ID #: 108 | Posted in: Addiction, Brain Science, Treatment
Audience: Adults | Published: 2012
Audience: Adults | Published: 2012
Cravings Identification and Management (CIM) is based on the addiction treatment model developed by Dr. Alex Stalcup. Craving is broadly defined as the desire to use alcohol or other drugs; it increases the likelihood of use of these substances. The four causes of cravings are described as:
- Triggers (people, places & things)
- Stress
- Mental illness
- Drug withdrawal
In the CIM model, treatment interventions include helping clients to identify their craving level and equipping them with strategies to avoid use.
Dr. Stalcup is board certified in pediatrics, and in addiction medicine. After three years as medical director at a drug detoxification treatment & aftercare project in San Francisco, Dr. Stalcup opened a private practice in addiction medicine.
FMS Product No: 03640