Recovery Programs

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Download No Wrong Door: Lebanon County Resource Guide 2023

Lebanon County, PA

Recovery programs offer extra support to those in addiction recovery, including peer mentors, job coaching, support groups, and activities to increase well-being.

  • Lebanon Recovery Center

    A peer assistance center, established to introduce access to available resources to those in the addiction recovery community and develop a recovery network of support. They offer:

    Support groups; job club; trainings; Narcan; computer access; support to those in early recovery (new to the process) or still contemplating recovery, including those still active in their addiction; support for veterans with substance use disorders; support for those recently released from prison or jail; support for loved ones of those who are in active addiction, wishing to obtain information on how to access resources for a loved one or themselves.

    Open Monday-Saturday, 8am-4pm

    701 Chestnut Street
    Lebanon, PA 17042
    (717) 450-5033

  • RASE Project Lebanon

    A recovery center fully staffed by people in addiction recovery to provide the following free services:

    • Certified Recovery Specialist for one-on-one coaching
    • MARS Program- Services for people on Suboxone or Vivitrol include care management, support groups, medication monitoring, and mentoring
    • Narcan distribution

    Open Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm

    815 Cumberland Street, Suite 202
    Lebanon PA 17042
    (717) 277-7400

  • Pro-A Workforce Support Project

    A federally funded program to help those in addiction recovery find good jobs while maintaining their recovery. Our services are provided by grant funding and there is no cost to any participants, who will work directly with a Recovery Employment Coordinator.

    Participants will receive a 6- to 12-month recovery service coordination program and peer-based recovery support services, including face-to-face and virtual support sessions, peer services, and referral, social media support, aftercare planning, and family support and referral services.

    We will provide services in the following counties: Adams, Berks, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Luzerne, Northampton, Perry, Schuylkill, and York

    900 South Arlington Ave, Ste 254A
    Harrisburg, PA 17109

    (717) 545-8929

This list is partially provided to Compass Mark by the Lebanon County Commission on Drug & Alcohol Abuse (the Commission). Compass Mark and the Commission do not specifically endorse the services on this website, but are merely making a comprehensive list available to the general public.