Pennsylvania offers a broad selection of recovery houses, also called sober-living homes, from which to choose. While houses have some similar requirements, such as periodic drug-testing, it is important to appreciate that “one size does not fit all.” Levels of support vary, and most recovery residences serve specific populations and recovery pathways.
Licensing Guidelines
As of July 1, 2022, it is required by law that any state-funded facility making recovery house referrals must refer to recovery houses that are licensed by the Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs (DDAP). A “state-funded facility” is any facility that receives any type of funding from a state agency. Compass Mark receives funding in this way, and therefore offers this list of fully licensed recovery houses, below.
DDAP’s Recovery House Licensing page
DDAP’s Licensed Recovery House Locator
For Women
There are no licensed houses at this time.
Compass Mark does not specifically endorse these recovery houses, but is sharing the list of houses licensed by the PA Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs as required by law.